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Hi Experts,

May I kindly ask for your help on how to update the Region code in SCM from ECC. Whenever I CIF, update the transfer of plant/location from ECC to APO, an error occurs because the Region code in ECC are different from the Region code in SCM.

Hoping so much for your help. SIncerely, SCMVix

asked 30 Sep '11, 12:23

SCMVix's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Maybe check that the regions in SCM

SAP IMG > SAP Netweaver > General Settings > Set Countries > Insert regions

are the same to the ones in ECC, and add the missing regions if that is the case.

permanent link

answered 30 Sep '11, 12:52

pedrolima's gravatar image

pedrolima ♦♦
accept rate: 32%

Thing is.. I need to update all of them.. So it is very huge amount of data.. Is there a way not to manually maintain it? Just transfer it from ECC?

(30 Sep '11, 12:55) SCMVix

Yes you can create a transport request with the data from the table in ECC and import that transport in APO (you will need to copy the transport files from the ECC to the APO). Or if you are comfortable with abap I think it is also possible to use saplink [1] with the Table Contents plugin [2] to download the data to your workstation and upload it from there to APO.

[1] [2]

(30 Sep '11, 13:05) pedrolima ♦♦
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question asked: 30 Sep '11, 12:23

question was seen: 9,288 times

last updated: 30 Sep '11, 13:05