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I get the error

Error "READ dbtab" is not supported in the OO context

when activating the code. The message points to a normal internal table read.

asked 23 Jan '13, 17:39

pedrolima's gravatar image

pedrolima ♦♦
accept rate: 32%

This message shows up when there is something wrong with the parameters of the read table call. Check that the variable that read table is reading from is really a table and not a structure.

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answered 23 Jan '13, 17:40

pedrolima's gravatar image

pedrolima ♦♦
accept rate: 32%

Unfortunately some classic ABAP statment aren't supported in OO ABAP. Provide some code so we could find other approach.

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answered 07 Feb '13, 14:11

Pawel%20Hixohe%20Grze%C5%9Bkowiak's gravatar image

Pawel Hixohe...
accept rate: 16%

OO Abap does not support tables with status lines, and requires you to specify a record (or a ref to record, or field-symbol) to read your data into.

DATA: lsr_struct TYPE REF TO <line of table>.

LOOP AT mt_table REFERENCE INTO lsr_struct.
   (do stuff with lsr_struct->fieldA etc. )

All in all this is a good thing and breaks some bad habits.

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answered 08 Feb '13, 16:35

Marius%20Piedallu%20van%20Wyk's gravatar image

Marius Pieda...
accept rate: 33%

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question asked: 23 Jan '13, 17:39

question was seen: 15,064 times

last updated: 08 Feb '13, 16:35