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hi all,

is it possible to read the livecache data? I need to ready a specific planning book/dataview for specific key figures.

thanks, neobat

asked 12 Dec '11, 14:38

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accept rate: 0%

edited 13 Dec '11, 04:49

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pedrolima ♦♦

Typically we read the livecache data indirectly using the function modules specific for the diferent objects. To read the planning book you can use BAPI_PBSRVAPS_GETDETAIL2. See below a minimal example of reading some data from a planning book using the BAPI.

ls_selection-characteristic_name = 'SP_MHO_IP'.
ls_selection-char_val_sign = 'I'.
ls_selection-char_val_option = 'EQ'.
ls_selection-char_val_low = 'SP-MHO-MAN-UM'.
append ls_selection to lt_selection.

ls_groupby-characteristic_name = 'SP_MHO_IP'.
append ls_groupby to lt_groupby.
ls_groupby-characteristic_name = 'SP_MHO_IM'.
append ls_groupby to lt_groupby.

ls_keyfigselection-key_figure = 'SP_MHO_CF'.
append ls_keyfigselection to lt_keyfigselection.

    planningbook                = 'SP_MHO_PROGNOSE'
    data_view                   = 'INBOUND MSC'
    planning_version            = '000'
    period_type                 = 'D'
    date_from                   = '01.06.2004'
    date_to                     = '01.01.2005'
    selection                   = lt_selection
    group_by                    = lt_groupby
    key_figure_selection        = lt_keyfigselection
    key_figure                  = lt_keyfigure
    key_figure_value            = lt_keyfigure_value
    characteristics_combination = lt_ccomb
    return                      = lt_return.

You can also call directly the LC routines using database calls with native SQL (example below). But for most cases this is not needed.

  EXEC                                                  "#EC CI_EXECSQL
                        IN  :LS_GEN_COM_PARAMS,
*                       Return-Codes der COM-Routine
                        OUT :LV_RC,
                        OUT :ET_RC,
*                       Importdaten (Daten AN die COM-Routine)
                        IN  :IV_TG,
                        IN  :IV_TG_REF,
                        IN  :IV_TYPE,
                        IN  :LT_STAMPS,
                        IN  :IV_CHANGE_MODE

Update: Some more information on the parameters of the BAPI_PBSRVAPS_GETDETAIL2

An example probably helps. Consider a PA with characteristics COLOR, SHAPE, TEXTURE and with key figures FORECAST, SALES, OPEN.

These 3 tables are inputs to the function: selection, group_by, key_figure_selection.

selection: is a range table where you specify the characteristic values you want to restrict your data selection.

COLOR I EQ RED <- filter the results to only have CVCs with red color

group_by: lists the characteristics that will be in the output results. So if you have 5 characteristics in the PA but you only put one in this table, then your key figure values will be aggregated for the combinations of this single characteristic.

COLOR, SHAPE <- only show the combinations of color and shape; the key figures are aggregated to this level)

key_figure_selection: only the key figures in this list will be in the output.

FORECAST, SALES <- only show the SALES and FORECAST KF in the results

Output tables:

characteristics_combination - this table lists the output characteristic combinations values (CVCs) and for each CVC there is an ID that links to the other results tables

1    COLOR   RED     
2    COLOR   RED     

key_figure - this is a table the lists combinations of the selected CVCs and key figures and for each combination there is a unique ID (that will be used in the KF values table)

1      1       SALES
2      2       SALES
3      1       FORECAST
4      2       FORECAST

key_figure_value - this table has the key figure values for each period in the selection and for each key figure ID (which is the combination of CVC and key figure).

KF_ID  BEGIN      END         VALUE
1      1.1.2012   31.1.2012      10
2      1.1.2012   31.1.2012      20
3      1.1.2012   31.1.2012      30
4      1.1.2012   31.1.2012      40
1      1.2.2012   29.2.2012       5
2      1.2.2012   29.2.2012       5
3      1.2.2012   29.2.2012       6
4      1.2.2012   29.2.2012       6
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answered 13 Dec '11, 04:48

pedrolima's gravatar image

pedrolima ♦♦
accept rate: 32%

edited 30 Jan '12, 17:49

Hi Pedrolima,

Please also clarify this:

What does the below parameters signify in the BAPI?

key_figure                  = lt_keyfigure
key_figure_value            = lt_keyfigure_value
characteristics_combination = lt_ccomb
return                      = lt_return.

Also, please provide the declaration for the below objects:

lt_selection lt_groupby lt_keyfigselection

Thank you very much.

(07 Mar '12, 10:45) kgcharan

Hi kgcharan, you can find the declarations for all those variables by going to transaction SE37 and looking at the function definition for BAPI_PBSRVAPS_GETDETAIL2. The key figure, key figure value and characteristic combination are output tables in the BAPI, see above an example for the data that you can expect to see there. The detailed meaning of these fields is something that you can find in the demand planning documentation.

(12 Mar '12, 05:19) pedrolima ♦♦

Hi, Your reply was much helpful. But, can you please also explain all the lt_* internal tables used in teh BAPI. It would be much helpful and is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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answered 30 Jan '12, 10:58

kgcharan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi kgcharan, I did a small update to explain the BAPI tables. Hope it helps.

(30 Jan '12, 17:51) pedrolima ♦♦
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question asked: 12 Dec '11, 14:38

question was seen: 18,034 times

last updated: 12 Mar '12, 05:19