I know that both webdynpro and BSP call ABAP function modules from HTTP. Should I go with Web Dynpro or BSP? I've gotten to know that Web Dynpro will be gone in the next three years and the next big thing will be the SAP Composite Application Framework, for which BSP is the base. And what is ABAP webdynpro and JAVA webdynpro |
Webdynpro and BSP have different goals so choosing one usually depends on what you want to do. With Webdynpro you don't need to know HTML or Javascript, it is all abstracted to ABAP (or Java) components. And you program in the typical MVC pattern of desktop GUIs. On the other hand, BSP follows the typical web development pattern with HTML templates that can have server-side blocks of code in ABAP, controllers that receive the web request and then call the view, and other typical web concepts. I choose BSP when my goal is to do something more "web-like", eg. generation/integration of XML/JSON or simple stateless web applications. I find Webdynpro more interesting to make applications that need to be stateful and need complex UI components like the ALV grid. Netweaver can be programmed in ABAP or Java, so webdynpro also supports both. Notice that SAP is now more focused in ABAP than Java, so unless you have a strong reason it's better to choose ABAP. I think Webdynpro will still be around for some time. The future, in my view, seems to be the SAPUI5 toolkit for development of HTML5/javascript UIs. Thank you for the response.
(03 Apr '12, 06:34)