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Hello APO Experts,

I have a question linked with the BOP functionality in the EDQA area. At least as of SCM 7.0 SP2, the events like SOC, PRC were allowed to have EDQA configured to it, However, I have now realized that EDQA is no longer permitted to be linked with SOC and PRC type of events in the //EDQA_PD transaction.

However, as per the documentation it was given that a BOP can be configured for such events SOC, PRC.

But, it is not explained clearly as how to configure it. I have selected the Adapt Var. option in the configuration and it says that BOP will be triggere for a EDQA work list when this option is checked. So, my question is - What is this EDQA worklist ? Where is it configured ? Or is it that GR quantity that was released through the events SOC, PRC called as EDQA worklist for the mat-plant combination for which this has happened ? If yes - why would SAP decide to trigger BOP for the whole material plant combination instead of triggering it to the items which are looking for confirmation (say reciever ODL ).

Looking forward for your responses.

Thank you Babu Kilari

asked 18 Oct '12, 05:19

logbabu's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I can still link the BOP event with the SOC activity in //EDQA_PD. What error message do you get when you try to do it?

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answered 18 Oct '12, 09:47

pedrolima's gravatar image

pedrolima ♦♦
accept rate: 32%

Hello Pedro,

Thank you for the reply.You can actually configure BOP event for SOC activity. However,you cannot configure EDQA event for SOC activity. This is what I meant.

So, my question is if a document is releasing its quantity SOC activity would be triggered and the BOP will be getting triggered for the entire material location combination instead of the open documents which are looking for confirmation for the same material - plant combination. These open documents are available in reciever ODL. So, I am wondering what is the advantage of triggering BOP at the mat-plant level ?

(19 Oct '12, 01:54) logbabu
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question asked: 18 Oct '12, 05:19

question was seen: 7,188 times

last updated: 19 Oct '12, 01:54