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Hello ONSAP experts,

Have you already got a chance to work with SCM 7.0 Ehp3 software ? As I looked at it all I could say is SCM 7.9 Ehp3 has a new functionality called eBOPI which according to me is good but not really a game changer in terms of functionality.

Have you guys come across any hidden changes or new things that I might have overseen ? Would be good to see a discussion around this ? Or is it too early to discuss...May be not ?

Thanks & Best Regards, Babu Kilari SCM APO GATP Consultant

asked 07 Aug '14, 05:32

babukilari's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Babu. From my experience there is not much of gATP in Ehp3. The eBOPI is slow and usability also not so good. I think it is only useful to give CRM web UI users a BOPI tool, for all other users BOPIN is much better. Where you may find some gATP goodies is by activation of the ATP business function that comes with Ehp1. Most systems do not have this active but it brings some nice things like merge of sub-items in RBA.

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answered 07 Aug '14, 07:50

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pedrolima ♦♦
accept rate: 32%

Hello Pedro,

Merge of sub-items still has some bottlenecks. It cannot merge the partial confirmations. I wrote a blog on this earlier. See the below link.

What are your thoughts on this ?

Apart from the merge of sub-items; did you find anything appealing ?

Babu Kilari

(07 Aug '14, 09:33) babukilari

Nice blog post. I don't think there is anything major in gATP on the enhancement packs. But we will have a major new thing later this year, with the new SCM integrated with ECC.

(11 Aug '14, 16:09) pedrolima ♦♦

Hi Pedro - Could you comment on your last statement above. SCM integrated with ECC ? Do you mean SAP is trying to merge both the boxes into one and there would not be any RFC calls during gATP check ? ECC doesn't have Livecache. What is the idea here ? Would HANA be place to get the edge of Livecache within ECC ? Appreciate your ideas.

(09 Sep '14, 07:55) babukilari

Hi Babu, yes from what I understand LiveCache will be replaced by HANA.

(10 Sep '14, 07:16) pedrolima ♦♦
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question asked: 07 Aug '14, 05:32

question was seen: 7,835 times

last updated: 10 Sep '14, 07:16