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Before the consolidation location feature was introduced it was still possible to consolidate the item in a single location by using RBA with the activity setting to create a STR instead of replacing the location. What are the advantages of moving from the old setup to the new consolidation location?

asked 02 Nov '11, 07:55

pedrolima's gravatar image

pedrolima ♦♦
accept rate: 32%

Where do we define the location as consolidation location? Does the capability works with multi level ATP? I have a scenario where order will need to confirm to local DC but that order needs to perform supply availability at a factory and then move the FGI to local DC which will then ship to customer (may need some processing at DC so would need to factor in some time). I think and sound like that consolidation feature is what i need.

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answered 31 Jul '12, 16:24

Sunil's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Sunil, yes the consolidation location is a feature of RBA. You define the consolidation location in the main screen of the rule. It sounds like the correct option for your scenario.

(01 Aug '12, 05:39) pedrolima ♦♦

Thanks a lot !! Is there some documentation or std sap help on how to setup/enable this scenario, quick few steps so that i can get my mind around how to approach for proto-typing this scenario?

(01 Aug '12, 11:15) Sunil

I don't know any best practice document for this but I think the std documentation is quite good. You can check it here

(03 Aug '12, 04:31) pedrolima ♦♦

As a starting point, the information I collected while analyzing this topic.

The consolidation location feature makes the configuration simpler and more explicit in the rule maintenance. There is a new field to set which location will consolidate the order, and previously the consolidation location was defined implicitly by the setup of the substitution rules. With consolidation location there is a two step scheduling (source location->consolidation location->customer). This allows modeling scheduling times with more detail. The ATP results screen also presents the information in a better way for this scenario.

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answered 02 Nov '11, 07:56

pedrolima's gravatar image

pedrolima ♦♦
accept rate: 32%

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question asked: 02 Nov '11, 07:55

question was seen: 17,351 times

last updated: 03 Aug '12, 04:31