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I am working on a gATP Project. As far as I know, when I create a Sales Order, for each line item; there will be an RFC call to APO system triggerin the BAPI BAPI_APOATP_CHECK. And, for this Sales Order I believe there would be a transaction guid that gets created.

I have a question that "When I save the Sales Order in ECC, how would the order information is saved in APO database ? ". I know that there are certain tables like /SAPAPO/POSMAPN, /SAPAPO/ORDADM_I, /SAPAPO/SCHEDLIN, /SAPAPO/ATPPARAM etc., would be populated.

Will there be CIF Queue from ECC->APO that updates the APO database ?

I am asking this question because I am facing a problem, where the data is not getting populated in the tables that I have mentioned above except the first table /SAPAPO/POSMAPN for every SO that we create.

Is there anything to do ? I need your help and pointers on this to troubleshoot the problem. Appreciate your quick response on this ?

Thanks, Babu Kilari

asked 23 Feb '10, 11:30

logbabu's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 22 Sep '11, 05:04

pedrolima's gravatar image

pedrolima ♦♦

Hi Pedro,

Thanks for the reply. In the above case, there was no issue with the Integration Model. However, the reason why the database tables werent getting populated is just because of the Field Catalog entries being passed to APO. One of our developers unknowingly truncated the material number from 18 characters to 8 characters which resulted in such a big issue.

Thanks, Babu Kilari

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answered 02 Apr '10, 10:07

logbabu's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


When you trigger the ATP in the sales order a TQA (temporary quantity assignment) is created in APO. Then if you choose not to save the order the TQA will be deleted, if you save the order this will go through the CIF queue and the TQA deleted after the order is saved in LC and database. So if the sales order tables are not updated, I suspect you don't have the integration model for the sales order active, you only have the integration model for the ATP check.

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answered 26 Feb '10, 22:46

pedrolima's gravatar image

pedrolima ♦♦
accept rate: 32%

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question asked: 23 Feb '10, 11:30

question was seen: 62,671 times

last updated: 22 Sep '11, 05:04